
Friday, May 31, 2013

Not much work going on right now


This is my Amelia in the middle going to have fun with her schoolmates ( all of them) that just finished they're AS. They had somebody sew them Superman outfits and went around town all day in them. This was so much fun for them.


Then the day arrived and she graduated from school. She was beautiful that day like always my good little girl. She even got an award for good study in foreign language. My girl.

Then off they went to Tenerife on trip with they're schoolmates. This picture was taken at three Alcock in the morning, when her and her friend were on they're way.

We had a party to celebrate this big day with her. This is a floral arrangement that I had someone make. Good thing I took a picture of it the moment it came in, be corse it started to die the next day. That makes me so mad, I just think they put old flowers in it to use them up. Huhhh...

Anyway. Since my hand still hurts sooooo bad, and I can not do any crocheting and really not much knitting, I have been trying to sew a little more. Amelia saw a bag in my stuff that she wanted for her trips.

So off we went to buy fabric and that is what she came up with. She wanted it light in color but at the same time kind of cool. I think it turned out pretty good.

It is big, and good for traveling. I used something new to me, that I order from the Internet

This new thing is called soft and stable. The pattern for the bag is from sew sweetness

I like her pattern a lot, it has good instructions and a lot of pictures. I am going to make myself one before I go traveling this summer.

This was a project that I did. These are rugs that I made out of old towel and some scraps of materials. Ugly but I guess they will work on the cars or maby cleaning the bathrooms. ;-) I like my kitchen rugs to bee knitted or crochet, they are the best in my apinion.

You know I can not stay away from the yarn completely so I made this sweater for my little one. (Like he does not have plenty already)

This thing with my hand is driving me nuts. I am not good at sitting and doing nothing, and that seems to bee the way too get rid of the pain. Last time the doctore saw me he sead that if it did not get better with the tablets that he gave me, he was going to put a cast on my hand. Needles to say, I did not go back to him. Do you know how that would bee, I could do nothing, not even take a shower. :o(

That is something I like to do.

Hugs from Iceland



  1. I love the bag you made, the design and the colours are beautiful. The knitted sweater is lovely too.
    Hope your arm heals soon!!
    Hugs :)

  2. Good day Eddie, The superman outfits are too cool. Love them. The flowers look very grand and beautiful.. The travel bag you made is super great and I love the colors. I am sure you daughter really appreciate you making it for her. I wish her and her friend happy travels. The knitted sweater is wonderful. I wish I knew how to knit. I hope you hand starts healing for you so you can get back to doing the things you love... Have a lovely week. Hugs Judy

  3. LOVE the bag you made Amelia!!! It looks similar to the green one you made me (it is my swimming/beach bag and I use it all the time). Your wrist guards are on their way and hopefully your hand will be feeling better soon!!!! Love you!

  4. Hello Edda, Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your lovely comment.. I have missed seeing your posting this Summer too. I hope all is well. Has Your Autumn started already???? Here we are having a Heat Wave and is to cool off next week.. Thanks Goodness. Hugs Judy
